Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Crafty Single Female Homeowner

To keep this mainly a house blog, I've created a blog just for my crafty side.  Mainly embroidery. Might also include a little more personal things, like work, love, etc.  Why the heck not....I'm a grown woman, I can do what I want!

Find my crafty goodness at the Crafty Single Female Homeowner!

Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good night!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Well Has Run Dry

Of money that is. Not ideas....I've got loads of ideas floating around in my head. Unfortunately ideas and results can't pay the bills.

What I WANT to do:

Install baseboards - I found a cool idea on pinterest that would be cheaper for the larger size boards that I want. I LOVE the look of taller baseboards.

Do something to the basement. Not finish it by any means....but make it a little more waterproof, a lot less scary and improve the functionality of it as a laundry and storage area. Just not sure how to do it.... I'd love to get a utility sink installed and then some kind of counter and cabinet for all the laundry stuff.

Speaking of the basement, do something down there and in the garage for tool storage. I'm not sure where to store my tools so now they are all over the place....which means I can never find what I want when I need it.

Replace doors on 2nd floor from awful banged, beat up wood hollow doors to a nice bright, white paneled door.

What I CAN do:

Hang art work - I've been in the house for over two years and I really haven't hung anything up yet...I have nails and a hammer. I'm just really bad at making things level and even.

Clean out closets of clothes and STUFF and figure out what to donate and what to consign/sell.

Remake computer/craft room closet into sewing desk to make room for an air mattress in the room for when I have more than 2 guests - or parents and kids. The hardest part is electricity - I'd need to somehow get a light in there and an outlet. I've seen so many good ideas though...

Obviously I don't have doors and don't need all the elements...but I like the idea of still having room to hang things.


What I AM doing:

I am embroidering! Some of you will already know this...I just picked it up right before Thanksgiving. I'm having a great time with it and I really love it. Finally, a handcraft I can do (not like knitting or crochet!). I'm working through a Christmas present list....I'm more than halfway done with my list. I'm onto the hardest part of trying to sew some of the projects into tote bags. Sewing isn't necessarily the biggest problem....its the cutting and getting the stupid machine threaded.

I will share pictures of what I'm doing after they are gifted....

I just watched Downton Abbey. I highly recommend it. Now if they had a show like that set in the early 19th century.... and more dating.  Note to single men out there.  I will not respond if A) you have a shirtless picture; B) you have a picture holding a dead mammal as a trophy (fish are ok); C) you send me a generic message with some sort of sexual inuendo.  I'm sure there's more but those are the top three.